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US man reunited with vanished wallet 40 yrs after robber hid it behind wall

Posted by Sandra on 20 - Jun - 2012

Leather Wallet

London, Feb 22: A US man, whose leather wallet was stolen at his office, has astoundingly been reunited with it 40 years later.
Rudolph Resta, now 77, was working for the New York Times as an art director when his wallet gone after he left his jacket in unwary coat closet, reports the Daily Mail.
The thief pulled out the cash, but left the American Express credit card, his social security card and, more highly, cherished pictures of his beautiful wife, two young sons and his dearly loved late father.
The wallet was hidden behind a wall in a gap among an unused window and the masonry seal behind it on the second floor of the old Times building in Manhattan at 229 West 43rd Street.
And there it lay for 40 years until it was exposed by 46-year-old Jose Cisneros, a security guard at the building who showed it to his colleague Rafael Rodriguez.
Among Resta''s credentials was his Times membership card for the employees' blood bank. They determined to find him and give over the wallet.
Resta, from Queens, who retired in 1999, was tracked down and agreed to meet at the structure and share his moving memories after getting his wallet back.
He was so overcome with feeling that he kissed Cisneros on the cheek and told the New York Times of his enjoyment.
"I was sort of brokenhearted; [at the time of the theft] I thought it was gone everlastingly. It wasn’t so much the funds. I had wonderful things in there. Nice pictures of my relations," he said.
Resta then proudly showed a black and white picture of his wife Angela, exhausting a jaguar fur stole on a trip to Brooklyn’s scene Park in 1963.
"Just look at my wife, so appealing that’s why I wedded her. Still is," he said. (ANI)
