Online Leather products


Department Store Giant Myer Launch Online Shop

Posted by Sandra on 7 - Apr - 2011

Online ShopThe department store giant Myer has been a famous destination for several shoppers around Australia for the better part of 100 years, and with the launch of the Myer online shopping store previous month, I've decided to checkout the store and write a review.

In an editorial I read at Smart House Mr Brookes CEO of Myer, told that Myer was creating the fresh site out of frustration over a lack of action from the federal government over GST-free shopping online. I'm a little sceptical in believing that GST free shopping was the only basis, I simply can't get that many products listed on the new Myer store over $1000.

Anyway, this editorial isn't about the GST debate. It's about the great store Myer has launched regardless of the reasons why it was built. It's fantastic to see a large well known traditional store embrace the online shopping revolution and lastly launch an online store. I've been waiting for big companies like Myer for at least a decade, and it appears that they are finally waking up to the fresh way Australians do their shopping Online.

At the Myer Gift Shop you'll find a whole gamut of ways to browse the store, shop by categories including Women, Men, Kids & Toys, Electrical, Homewares, and more. In each of these major departments, there's also navigation filters where you can further define your browsing by selecting brands, and sub departments such as a Gaming unit under the main Electrical unit.