You may follow our
sister site, Out blush, for information on the hottest couture & hipster
fashion, beauty products, and more, but what if your sole mania in life is
purses, purses, and more purses? Hello, you turn to us here at Purse Page!
Welcome to private customer, Purse Page style!
Katie wrote to out blush,
saying: “I’m having the hardest time judgment what seems to be a pretty simple
request! What I’m looking for is a good worth tan leather handbag that has
enough of a drop so I can sport it as a shoulder bag, but not so extensive that
it is a cross body. Second, I would favor
it to be in the medium size group (no more than 12″ in any dimension). I have seen some immense ones out and about,
but haven’t been able to put one myself. Your help would be ever so much esteemed!”
Hi Katie, we’re excited
to help a fellow purse lover out! We’ve rounded up five elegant tan leather
handbags for you to look at. They all fit your requested magnitude and are rationally
priced too we’ll hope you’ll be contented!