Online Leather products


Hottest Locavoirs, Leather and Mindfulness

Posted by Sandra on 5 - Jun - 2012


Part of the great fight of both the vintage leather business and the new leather business is that of principles.  Mindfulness is that process of becoming aware of the self and seeing all things as unified.  The local food organization is an example of mindful shopping where contributor prefers to buy from local producers where they know the source of their food and how it was grown vs. buying by price.  Oddly my leather jacket scheme Himel Brothers has taught me valued lessons on the kinds of problems that indigenous manufacturers may have faced as they progressed their business.  Every day I get 2 to 3 emails and spams to this blog from Pakistani leather manufacturers offering to make me jackets from my prototype for the price of 47-57 dollars per coat.  How wonderful!  I cannot even give for the leather in one jacket at that price.  It makes for a very attractive debate amongst my customers and my retailers about costs and pricing.
Now I generally don't think everything I make is average.  Certainly I aspire to not only achieve the quality and character of my vintage compilation in my new jackets but I am also trying to achieve the zen nature and longevity that original jackets imbued.  Environmentally speaking I have to know each of my suppliers, and design perfect life long permanent styles that are made of ethical materials.  While not 100% local in the sense of coming from my region or region, each dealer is vetted for what they are creation and how they are making.  Perhaps the differences between lovingly grown horses slaughtered and gently treated and then vegetable brown in tree bark in Japan is not always
Readily apparent to the consumer?  The jackets are not permanent, nor do they glow with electronic or transport the wearer to another planet.  Simply put the pressures for me are to make perfect technical imitation out of organic resources and not be the guy using my skills and knowledge to make 47 dollar jackets in Pakistan and sell them for half of what I am presently doing.  People ask me why and how I do things.  I think to myself. I make life long permanent, beautiful, well made, well sourced natural jackets that like my vintage collection will age and die gracefully.  It is amazing to think about when you are buying your next 200 dollar made in (where ever) jacket all that energy and all the unconstructiveness that goes into making something cheaply will be worn right on your back!  Producers back in the day sought to be price spirited whilst increasing features, branding and quality.  Old makers achieve the pinnacles of that paradigm and new competitors could only compete on pricing.  It was that descending push on pricing via cheaper imports and a less cultured consumer that lead to the extinction of domestic garment makers.  How sad really because the buyer actually stopped caring about what they were wearing and chose simulated fashion, or fake quality in deference to price!