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Leather fittings Pros and Cons

Posted by Sandra on 24 - May - 2012


There is no question that the prides in owning a nice piece of leather fixtures, if you’re able to find something that speaks to your design aesthetic and fits in the space you want it to inhabit, there is no equal. For fabric furnishings where the colors fade, the grit and grime it collects becomes too overwhelming, the springs no longer helpful when you sit down in it, the worn out look from the multiples of times that it is sat in and out of, the pros well overshadow the cons. However, all things being equal, there are some considerations to keep in mind when trade a piece of leather furnishings.
 PRO: This item will be approximately a long time. Unlike the interchangeability of cloth sofas that literally wear out their welcome or that rip or that tear or that hold on to a mark that is just embarrassing, leather furnishings can provide hardihood and longevity well beyond the lifespan of a fabric covered sofa, for example.
 CON: There is the issue of upkeep. Unlike fabric fixtures, leather items need a little extra care. A little conditioner here, some soap and water there, a little more concentration to cleaning the sofa will be necessary in order to prolong the years you will be able to get out of your leather furnishings.
 PRO: It’s custom. One of the payback of investing more in a piece of leather fittings for your family room, your bedroom, is that the leather is unique. Just as the imperfections that make every person dissimilar, a particular piece of leather furnishings can be just as different just based on the hide you choose. Unlike fabric that you can replicate again and again, and have a uniform look, leather fixtures succeeds because of its many variations even within the same universal design.
 CON: Expense. Furniture made out of fabric, on the whole, will possibly cost you less up front. However, that said, the extra cost you spend in a piece of leather furnishings goes towards an item that will probably outlive its fabric counterparts by years and years. Leather furniture’s timelessness is only coordinated by its ability to keep being a focal point of any room you have it in, thus, paying for itself many times over in time and attempt you don’t have to spend thoughts about when to replace that sofa, that chair.