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Nokia MD-11 mini speakers

Posted by Sandra on 24 - Mar - 2011

minispeakersThe fine folks at WOMWorldNokia also gave me the MD-11 mini speaker to try out as well. Currently this little monster really packs quite a punch. Powered by just 3 AAA batteries, you can actually go quite loud before you begin to experience any distortion.

The 3.5mm jack means you can plug it in almost anywhere. I tried it on desktop, ipad and the N8 and the sound quality is outstanding. I know its mono but i believe if you have two of them you can turn it to stereo. Couldn't truly try as i only had just the one to try.

The little form factor also makes it a bit easy to carry around on your travels. Who needs a big boombox when you can carry your mobile phone and the MD-11 for all your musical entertainment needs.