Online Leather products


Leather Needle

Posted by Sandra on 2 - Mar - 2012

leather needle
Also known as glovers and as wedge needles, these have a triangular point designed to pierce leather without tearing it,often used on leather-like materials such as vinyl and plastic.

It is Shaped as wedge, at the point this needle gives superior piercing power for unyielding fabric such as real leather, suede or heavy vinyl.It makes a clean,hole when it enters the fabric.Use standard leather needles as it leaves unnecessarily large holes and weakens seams on these fabrics.

How to use leather needels
  • Leather lacing should be rubbed over beeswax to coat it. The wax helps the lace slide through the stitching holes.
  • Shave 1/4 inch of diameter of one end of a leather lace
  • The end of the two-prong needle should be opened and insert the prepared point of the lace in between needle .
  • Push out the two-prong needle through the holes prepared for stitching leather seams to assemble leather products.
  • Use protective thimble over your thumb or other fingers and push with the hard surface whenever the needle refuses to slip through the holes in the leather.