Online Leather products


Tips to clean your Long Leather Suite

Posted by Sandra on 22 - Feb - 2012

Cleaning the long leather suite is so difficult .In order to take care of your leather products follow the tips as mentioned below,
  • Use damp cloth. make sure that the cloth used by you is soft, in order to avoid unnecessary scratches. Rub the soap with the damp cloth and wipe it all over your sofas
  • Seek the advice from the furniture shop in order to know, how to clean it or read over through the manual on the safety and preservation of the leather.
  • If ink stains happened,then spray a hair spray over the stain and wiping it with a dry soft cloth . Water stains should be avoided as it will blot your leather.
  • For grease, a dry cloth can be used to clean your sofa.
  • Use conditioners or shampoos to clean your leather long suite.
  • If any dust occurs use vacuum cleaner to clean your sofa. It does better job.